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Your plan’s rules

Your plan has specific rules that govern your account. By understanding these rules, you’ll get more out of your plan. The rules cover how you manage your plan, invest your money, and access your money.

Defined Contribution Retirement Plan (DCRP)
All benefits-eligible faculty, AAP, and staff working at least 20 hours a week are eligible to participate. Fellows are not eligible to participate in this plan.

Voluntary Contribution Retirement Plan (VCRP)
You are eligible to participate in the Voluntary Contribution Retirement Plan if you are:

  • A staff employee.
  • A Jesuit Community lay employee.
  • An employee covered under the collective bargaining agreements with the Allied International Union or SEIU 1199 United Healthcare Workers East.
  • A fellow.
  • An academic employee.
  • A faculty member.

Select from the options on the left to learn more about the plan.

Whenever you invest, there’s a chance you could lose the money.

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